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GoogleMap Directory
query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers as m LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories as c ON m.catid=c.catid WHERE $query = '1' ORDER BY m.catid,m.mid"); while ($marker = $DB->fetch_array($markersall)) {$markers[]=$marker;} $catsall = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories ORDER BY catid"); while ($cats = $DB->fetch_array($catsall)) {$categories[]=$cats;} $mainset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Main Settings'); $mapset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Map Settings'); $marset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker Settings'); if(is_numeric($mid)) { $miset = $DB->query_first("SELECT lat, lon, zoom FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers WHERE mid = $mid"); $trigger = 'p228_go_to('.$miset['lat'].','.$miset['lon'].','.$miset['zoom'].','.$mid.');'; } $maptype = $mapset['Default Map Type Control']=='standard' ? 'G_NORMAL_MAP' : ($mapset['Default Map Type Control']=='satellite' ? 'G_SATELLITE_MAP' : 'G_HYBRID_MAP'); $mapcontrol = $mapset['Map Controls']=='LargeMapControl' ? 'GLargeMapControl' : ($mapset['Map Controls']=='SmallMapControl' ? 'GSmallMapControl' : ($mapset['Map Controls']=='SmallZoomControl' ? 'GSmallZoomControl' : ( $mapset['Map Controls']=='ScaleControl' ? 'GScaleControl' : '' ) ) ) ; echo ' '.($mapset['Search Control']==1?' ':'').' '; echo '
'.$l['Dashboard'].' '.$l['Latitude'].'    '.$l['Longitude'].'     '.$l['Current Zoom'].'     '.$l['Markers :'].'  

'.$l['Categories'].' '; if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids'])) { echo ''; } $aedit = (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1'))?true:false; $colspan = $aedit ?'7':'6'; $mw = $mapset['Default width']; $fac = round(($mw / 100) * 3); $mw2 = $mw - $fac; $t1 = round(($mw / 100) * 40); $t2 = round(($mw / 100) * 10); $t3 = round(($mw / 100) * 15); $t4 = round(($mw / 100) * 15); $t5 = round(($mw / 100) * ($aedit ? 15 : 25)); $t6 = round(($mw / 100) * 10); $t7 = round(($mw / 100) * ($aedit ? 15 : 23)); $t8 = round(($mw / 100) * 8); echo '
 '.$l['Filter'].' :   '.$l['[Submit Locations]'].'
'.$l['Markers'].' '; if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1')) { echo ''; } echo '
'.$l['Title'].' '.$l['Marker'].' '.$l['Creator'].' '.$l['Date'].' '.$l['Category'].''.$l['Edit'].'
'; if(count($markers) > 0) { foreach ($markers as $marker) { echo ' '; if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1' AND $marker['username'] == $userinfo['username'])) { echo ''; } else if (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1') { echo ''; } echo ' '; } } else{ echo '';} echo '
'.$marker['title'].' '.$marker['username'].' '.date('Y-m-d',$marker['cdate']).' '.$marker['catname'].''.$l['Edit'].' 
'.$l['No markers were found in this category.'].'
'; } function p228_googlemap_do($action) { global $DB,$userinfo,$categoryid,$sdurl; $pluginid = 228; $p228_icons=p228_geticons(); $l = GetLanguage(228); $mainset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Main Settings'); $mset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Map Settings'); if ($action=='add' OR $action=='edit') { $maptype = $mset['Default Map Type Control']=='standard' ? 'G_NORMAL_MAP' : ($mset['Default Map Type Control']=='satellite' ? 'G_SATELLITE_MAP' : 'G_HYBRID_MAP'); $mapcontrol = $mset['Map Controls']=='LargeMapControl' ? 'GLargeMapControl' : ($mset['Map Controls']=='SmallMapControl' ? 'GSmallMapControl' : ($mset['Map Controls']=='SmallZoomControl' ? 'GSmallZoomControl' : ( $mset['Map Controls']=='ScaleControl' ? 'GScaleControl' : '' ) ) ) ; $catsall = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories ORDER BY catid"); while ($cats = $DB->fetch_array($catsall)) {$categories[]=$cats;} if ($action=='edit') { $mid = $_GET['p228mid'] ? $_GET['p228mid'] : ($_POST['p228mid'] ? $_POST['p228mid'] : 'none'); $marker = $DB->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers as m LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories as c ON m.catid=c.catid WHERE = '1' AND m.mid = $mid LIMIT 1"); if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR ($mainset['Allow Edit']=='1' AND $marker['username'] == $userinfo['username'])) { $marker['cdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $marker['cdate']); $caption = $l['Edit Marker']; $p228action='predit'; } else {echo $l['You do not have permission to modify this entry.'];} } else if ($action=='add') { if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) OR @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids'])) { $marker['lat']=$mset['Default latitude']; $marker['lon']=$mset['Default longitude']; $marker['zoom']=$mset['Default zoom']; $marker['username']=$userinfo['username']; $marker['cdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $dmset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker'); $marker['dicon'] = $dmset['Default Marker']; $marker['online'] = $mainset['Require Approval']=='1' ? '0' : '1'; $caption = $l['Add a New Marker']; $p228action='pradd'; } else {echo $l['You do not have permission to add an entry.'];} } //start if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR ($action=='add' AND @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids'])) OR ( $action=='edit' AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1' AND $marker['username'] == $userinfo['username'])) { echo ' '.($mset['Search Control']==1?' ':'').'
'.iif($action=='edit', '','').' '.iif(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']),' ','').'
'.$l['Use'].' '.$l['as address to find the location >'].'
'.$l['Image URL'].'
'.$l['Creation Date'].'
'.$l['Online Status'].'
'; } //end } else if ($action=='pradd') { if(!empty($_POST['title']) AND !empty($_POST['lat']) AND !empty($_POST['lon'])) { $user = $_POST['user'] ? ( @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) ? $_POST['user'] : $userinfo['username'] ) : $userinfo['username'] ; $_POST['online'] = @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) ? $_POST['online'] : ($mainset['Require Approval']=='1' ? '0' : '1'); $_POST['cdate'] = strtotime($_POST['cdate']); $marset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker Settings'); if(strlen($_POST['title']) <= $marset['Balloon Title'] AND strlen($_POST['descr']) <= $marset['Balloon Text']) { if ($DB->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers (username, catid, title, lat, lon, zoom, descr, url, image, cdate, online) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $user,$_POST['cat'],$_POST['title'],$_POST['lat'],$_POST['lon'],$_POST['zoom'],$_POST['descr'],$_POST['url'],$_POST['image'],$_POST['cdate'],$_POST['online'])) { $email = $mainset['Notification Email']; if ($email AND strlen($email) > 0) { //Start Email Notification $emails = explode(" ", trim(eregi_replace("[[:space:]]+", " ", str_replace(',', ' ', $email)))); $subject = 'A New Marker was added to GooglMap Directory'; $message = "\"$userinfo[username]\" has added a new marker to the Map.\n"; $message .= "Title : $_POST[title]\n"; $message .= "Username : $user\n"; $message .= "Category ID: $_POST[catid]\n"; $message .= "Latitude: $_POST[lat]\n"; $message .= "Longitude: $_POST[lon]\n"; $message .= "Zoom: $_POST[zoom]\n"; $message .= "Description: $_POST[descr]\n"; $message .= "URL: $_POST[url]\n"; $message .= "Image URL: $_POST[image]\n"; $message .= "Creation Date: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_POST[cdate])."\n"; $message .= "Online Status: ".iif($_POST['online']=='0','Offline','Online')."\n"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "From: \"GoogleMap Directory\" <$email>\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: \"GoogleMap Directory\" <$email>\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; for($i = 0; $i < count($emails); $i++) { @mail($emails[$i], $subject, $message, $headers); } //End Email Notification } echo $l['New Marker'].' "'.$_POST['title'].'" '.$l['was successfully submited.']; } else { echo $l['Error : There was an error adding the record']; } } else { echo $l['Error : Title length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Title'].' '.$l['& Description length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Text'].'.'; } } else { echo $l['Error : Please fill all the required fields!
(Title,Latitude,Longitude)']; } } else if ($action=='predit') { if(!empty($_POST['title']) AND !empty($_POST['lat']) AND !empty($_POST['lon'])) { $user = $_POST['user'] ? ( @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) ? $_POST['user'] : $userinfo['username'] ) : $userinfo['username'] ; $_POST['cdate'] = strtotime($_POST['cdate']); $marset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker Settings'); if(strlen($_POST['title']) <= $marset['Balloon Title'] AND strlen($_POST['descr']) <= $marset['Balloon Text']) { if ($DB->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers SET username = '%s', catid = '%s', title = '%s', lat = '%s', lon = '%s', zoom = '%s', descr = '%s', url = '%s', image = '%s', cdate = '%s', online = '%s' WHERE mid = '%s'", $user,$_POST['cat'],$_POST['title'],$_POST['lat'],$_POST['lon'],$_POST['zoom'],$_POST['descr'],$_POST['url'],$_POST['image'],$_POST['cdate'],$_POST['online'],$_POST['mid'])) { echo $l['The Marker'].' "'.$_POST['title'].'" '.$l['was successfully saved.']; } else { echo $l['Error : There was an error saving the record.']; } } else { echo $l['Error : Title length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Title'].' '.$l['& Description length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Text'].'.'; } } else { echo $l['Error : Please fill all the required fields!
(Title,Latitude,Longitude)']; } } } function p228_geticons(){ global $DB; $iconsdb = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_icons ORDER BY iid"); while ($icons = $DB->fetch_array($iconsdb)) { $id=$icons['iid']; $icon[$id]=$icons; } return $icon; } $p228action = $_POST['p228action'] ? $_POST['p228action'] : ($_GET['p228action'] ? $_GET['p228action'] : 'none'); $p228actionarray = array('add','edit','pradd','predit'); if (in_array($p228action,$p228actionarray) ) { p228_googlemap_do($p228action); } else { p228_googlemap(); } ?>